Thursday, April 12, 2018

State of the Union

State of the Union
Funny jokes by late night hosts about Trump have become stale. They play to the converted. They are sometimes as crude as the President. They give the audience a chance at condescension.
The rats are deserting the Presidential ship or are forced to walk the plank. The reward for giving up their integrity. The President is wrapped comfortably in his narcissistic cocoon.
His staunch followers, rich and poor, refuse to see how his policies, the policies they voted for, are eroding the health and stability of the country. They are giving Trump a hand as he chucks honesty and moral behavior out the window.
Government employees at the highest level feel they have the green light to make decisions that make our allies cringe. Their own personal comfort must be met at any cost. Workers in their departments feel betrayed.
Republicans and Democrats are using their party ideologies to divide the voters—by class, by economics, by race, by politics. Because party loyalty comes before honest consideration of the needs of the nation, we live with a logjam in Congress.
Nation after nation is falling on their knees to praise their new dictators. People want safety and security at any price. Democracy can’t seem to solve the problems these countries face. And America is no longer able to lead by example.

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