Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sex stereotypes

Men and women both have become victims of the sexual stereotypes promoted by corporate and media/entertainment industry marketing.
Women: 16” waists, blonde hair, sparking white teeth, formidable breasts, silky shiny hair, soft creamy and ageless skin, beautiful nails, long lashes, luscious lips, uncomfortable heels, seductive clothing. These are the domain of well-paid, airbrushed models and well-lighted Hollywood scenes. They are impossible and impossibly expensive to live up to. So why invest so much into trying? Maybe I just don’t get it.
Men: muscled and ripped, aggressive/ macho, bumbling dads, horny and sexed up stars, coiffed hair, expensive shoes, always cool, perfect teeth and a two-day beard 24/7. How you look says who you are. Forget sensitivity and softness. Dress for other men. All this costs too. You don’t want to be just another slovenly doofus.
There’s little money to be made on the beauty that comes from the inside, on being comfortable in your own skin. So why do we buy into these surface and, in the end, destructive images of ourselves? Why is beauty from within so often neglected and hard to believe in?

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