Thursday, April 14, 2016

The god fearing bakery

You go into a  bakery. To the owner, you look suspiciously gay. Oh my God, you could even be transgender. No donut for you.

But wait. You ask the owner if he lives by the 10 commandments. Yes, he says. Then would he sell a donut to a liar? To an adulterer? To someone who hasn't gone to church in a year?

My God, the purchaser might be a murderer, and certainly wouldn't deserve a donut? What about someone who looks like an ISIS terrorist? No donut for him.

Now if the owner is a strict Catholic, no divorced person should have a donut.

If the owner takes the Bible literally, then of course, no adulterous woman should get a donut; and further she should be stoned to death with hard, day-old buns.

Prostitutes may get a pass since Jesus hung out with them. Maybe a leper could get a donut.

Are there any potential customers left? You see the irony?

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