Thursday, February 2, 2023

Join us

 Join our K-12 teaching team. We can guarantee..

-no raises unless you strike
-class disruption
-parents wanting to control your classroom
-vetting of your school and classroom libraries
-mass shooter training
-teaching to the standardized tests
-suspicion if you are a creative teacher
-responsibility for assessing student mental health
-using your personal funds for classroom needs
-extra work because of teacher shortages
Ready to sign up?

Join our policing team. We can guarantee…
-citizen mistrust
-citizen unwillingness to increase taxes for staff and training
-ongoing training on new laws, new rules, sensitivity, policing skills
-having your work overseen by body and city cameras
-a society characterized by drugs, violence, domestic abuse and mental illness
-news focus on the bad apples
-the daily chance of getting harmed or killed
Ready to sign up?

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