Thursday, April 4, 2019

So tell me...

So, tell me. Why is it you dislike LGBTQ’s? First, let’s take sex out of the picture. If it’s like heterosexuals, we’re talking about maybe 10 or 20 minutes a week. So is it maybe the Bible? Well then you need to go stone your neighbor because she’s cheating on her husband. Or maybe you need to give up the backyard bar-be-que and prepare some burnt offerings instead. Oh, is it Jesus? He had a close and trusting relationship with Mary Magdalene, a prostitute. So I’m pretty sure he’d be okay with the LGBTQ community. He was all about love anyway.

You don’t like their flamboyance? Have you seen those heteros at Mardi Gras? Is it because they hold hands in public? So do heteros. Because they fall in love and want to marry? Love and commitment are good things, aren’t they?

Maybe they make you uncomfortable. Well maybe that’s a sign you need rethink your values. Maybe among them are individuals you might actually enjoy. You know, that love your neighbor thing.

So why is it you dislike LGBTQ’s?

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