Sunday, April 28, 2019


Some thoughts on the 2020 election.

No matter who the Democratic candidate is, Trump will not win a majority of voters. So the Electoral College will again be significant.
Voting for a single-issue candidate makes no sense since the President must make decisions on such a wide range of issues.
Being nasty to Trump has little effect. It just puts a candidate in the mud with him. The media always need drama. But the best strategy is to persistently and consistently remind the public of Trumps lies, gaffs, flip-flops and character failures.
Any Democratic candidate must demonstrate character and leadership, neither of which Trump has. These are essential qualities in a President.
The media loves to have a good scandal and reveal the weaknesses of candidates. When the flaws of candidates are revealed, the real questions are who was hurt, how serious was this and has the individual demonstrated he/she has learned the appropriate lessons and grown from the failure. This is rarely reported on.
We have to have faith that integrity, dignity, strong personal character and leadership in a candidate will ultimately drive the decisions of American voters.

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