Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The hare and the tortoise

 The hare was a braggart. He’d brag about all his race victories to anyone who would listen. Over and over and over. The tortoise had enough and challenged him to a race to be held the next day. The festive crowd gathered, and the race began. 

At a turn in the road, the speeding hare ran smack dab into the Chrysler driven by an old lady on her way to purchase a box of Depends. The ambulance came and whisked the hare to Mammal General Hospital, where the doctors declared he would be back to 100% after some recuperative therapy.

By the time the tortoise passed by, the accident scene has been cleared completely. He had no idea of what had happened and plodded on to victory, collecting his silver loving cup. It now sits by itself on his mantel.

Braggart that he is, the hare was magnanimous. He congratulated the tortoise in a lovely note. Besides, his mantel was crammed with trophies. The two of them had tea in the hare’s hospital room and have since enjoyed a lasting friendship.

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