Friday, July 9, 2021


 Life. Out of the chute and into a soap opera, a soap opera where you had no role in writing the script. Then how much love and how much play? And some beauty? Did your education teach you how to be human?

You reproduce and the one exam question is: How do you make a decent human being? At best you get a B+ but that’s okay. Then you pile up accomplishments. Then you die.

Life. It plods along. And then you turn your back and realize that it’s moved like a bullet train. Sometimes you float along. Sometimes you stop and make a decision. A loving act and you feel like a true human being. A bad choice and you remind yourself of what a dumbass you can be. You wrap yourself around another person like the strands of DNA and wait for those sweet mutations.

That’s life. All of it piles up. No, all of it infects all of it in a crazy viral mess. It can be sorted out though with a little self-delusion, a little truth and a good, long look in the mirror. Of course,

life will end at some point, maybe sneaking up on you or maybe giving you enough notice to make sense of it.

It’s probably a good idea to stop periodically along the way, look around and check the connections. How’s the balance coming between the angel and the dumbass?

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