Monday, July 20, 2020

Too much art

There’s way too much art in this world. And them damn artists ain’t stopping for anyone. They just keep makin’ more and more. The worst part is it’s provocative and don’t make sense. A lot of it ain’t even pretty. You can believe me because I’ve actually seen it.

There ain’t enough money in the world to buy all this art, and there ain’t even money to give these artists a decent living. So they make all this stuff in hiding, like it’s not a real job. I don’t even know what they do with all this art.

I never see any of it in the newspaper or on TV. On youtube I can learn about how to put a roof on my house, how to catch trout, how to cure toenail fungus; but I can’t find out about what the hell art is and why it looks like that.

That’s why I don’t put art in my household budget.

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