Monday, October 15, 2018

Under God and law

It becomes habit to say that we are “one nation under God.” It is also habit to say that we are a nation of laws. These things are easy to say but hard to actually live by.

How can “under God” tolerate racism, bigotry, blatant lying, unequal distribution of wealth, unequal justice for minorities, sexual improprieties, corruption, greed and all the other problems that plague America.

As a nation of laws, ask how these laws are made. We elect our representatives to represent us—not just the individual us, but the common good us. But in minute they discover the buckets full of dollars from lobbyists, corporations and special interest groups. These representatives are no longer ours, but hop from moneyed pocket to moneyed pocket. They feel free to pass special perks for themselves and their families and their business interests. They give up their individual minds for the group think of their parties.

Laws make it difficult for the middle class and down the economic ladder to afford equal justice, good medical care and to find fair wages.

It’s just life in America under God and under the law.

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