Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Congress has noted the recent closings of numerous art galleries and has also noted the difficulty artists have of finding suitable work at fair wages. They have acknowledged the significance of artists in the continued improvement of the economy. As a result they are currently working hard on bi-partisan legislature to address these concerns.

Both producers and viewers of local evening news programming have become bored with chit-chat, long weather segments and clichéd interviews with sports figures. As a result, stations across the country have added significant arts segments to their evening new broadcasts to rave reviews from viewers and soaring ratings.

Artists in droves have left art galleries for the streets in order to reach potential followers. Using images on their iPhones and iPads, they are greeting folks everywhere with: “Do you really want to SEE? Then have I got something for you!” Images on their devices start conversations, and people love it.

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