Wednesday, October 24, 2018

If your child...

If your child has an episode of talking back, you can get him to tow the line or you can recognize that this is the start of becoming independent and treat it with humor.

If your child decides it’s time to run away from home, you can feel you’re failed as a parent or you can recognize that that is exactly what you are preparing him for.

If your child wants to play a little and not get to work, you can force him to focus or you can recognize that you would also like to play a little yourself a lot of the time.

If your child embarrasses you saying a dirty word in public, you can shame him or you can laugh about it and stop using those words in front of him.

If your child is trying to figure out how to do something, you can assert yourself and do it for him or you can let him try to problem solve in his own way, explaining failing is a part of learning.

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