Friday, March 16, 2018

To football or not to football

NPR story: A high school football players was going door-to-door asking for support for his team. He just happened to knock on the door of the world expert on CTE, concussion brain damage. They had a long talk. In the end the student decided to continue playing football because he loved it and wanted to have fun while he was young.
This is a place most of us as men have been, and it’s increasingly true of young women. The not-fully-developed adolescent brain allows for the belief of invincibility and the inability to really think in terms of the future.
If this young man develops CTE later in life, who will care for him? What impact will this have on a future spouse and children? And what about the consequences of smoking, binge drinking, DUIs, drugs?
Young people have money, personal transportation, freedom and the consequent illusion of adulthood. What’s often missing is responsibility. There is no real cultural signifier or ritual that means adulthood. Most young people have little understanding of human development.
Is the home safe? Is the school safe? Do political leaders care about the health and safety of young people? Where’s the place to be young, be safe and have fun?

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