Friday, March 2, 2018

A moral compass

A moral compass. With the current state of business, politics, the arts and even daily life, the idea of a moral compass is significant. In generations past, most people grew up with some kind of religious background. A morality was planted that could be lived under, questioned or rejected. We were taught there was one.
These days, with so many not growing up religious, with families fragmented, with religious institutions failing to be exemplary, with culture being materialistic and narcissistic, we are morally adrift.
We try to solve problems through economics, statistics, bits of legislation, ideology. But in the end, climate change, gun violence, corruption, racism, immigration and the whole soup of contemporary social problems can’t be successfully addressed with only numbers and laws.
These are at root moral issues. And if the government, or religions, or business won’t address them, we must have the moral conscience to do it.

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