Saturday, October 8, 2016

The mundane world

Is it possible to live an entire life in the mundane world? Eating, sleeping, gossiping, whining, being entertained, shopping, having sex, snacking, more shopping, working, worrying, vacationing, looking at screens, more shopping.

The mundane world is reality and its tasks are necessary. But there's a world of mystery right here that we don't see. The ancients knew it and acknowledged it. And it was not because they were more primitive than us. We've lost some of their wisdom, given it up.

When is the last time you stood deeply in awe of something? The densely speckled night sky? The potential of a newborn? An idea that exploded your reality?

How do you get there? Great art points you there? The edges of science are always mystery.

Once we find this mystery, we realize that it and its companion, the sacred, were always everywhere. We don't have to pray to God to come down to us. We find that God was always there, within reach, beyond dogma. We just had to open our eyes.

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