Saturday, May 7, 2016

Soap opera

Each of us is birthed right into a raging soap opera. It's our formative years of life, and we know nothing of who loves whom, who hates whom, who's jealous of whom, who carries ancient grudges, who we can depend on, who we can't, who's got the secrets, who's always ready to gossip.

We get hugged by some, ignored by others, showered with gifts by some, forgotten by others. In all kinds of ways we are unwitting players in these adult dramas. But these adult dramas are the very things that form us as adults.

For some, this soap opera is an ongoing experience, episode after predictable episode. It's never to be escaped, trapped in inevitability. But but for others who can step outside of themselves, being formed is not being fixed. The script can be rewritten.

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