Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 In my former life as a working family man, I had little time to engage the working processes of justice. I learned what I learned from the news. Now, as a retired person, I have the time to watch long segments of the Rittenhouse and Arbery trials. An eye opener for me even though I felt I was an informed citizen.

A legislature passes a law relative to the context of the time. It’s on the books, though some legislators approved it and others didn’t. The law is words. Words are interpreted and reinterpreted. An offense results in a trial. What does the law say? How do the defense and prosecution interpret the law? How does the jury interpret these interpretations of the law?

This is how justice works. This is the hard work of justice. This is how justice depends on the conscientiousness and honesty of the participants. And all of us.

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