Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 We’re doomed. Climate change won’t end the world. Evolution will ensure that. But it could end the human world. For all the talk, we are still driving our cars, climate controlling our homes, running our various gadgets and generally living a good life in America. The fact that we are 5% of the world’s population using 20% of the world resources or that we ship our garbage to other countries doesn’t seem to bother us. The fact that we discourage people across the world from consuming like us doesn’t seem to bother us.

We have floods of immigrants and refugees fleeing their own countries because of war, persecution and famine. We are 7.5 billion people, soon to be 9 billion, all wanting to live, raise families, just survive. Religion has failed to feed our spiritual lives. Across the globe, dictatorships represent themselves and not their people. People starve while weapons of war get more and more expensive and sophisticated.

Maybe other times in history have been like this, but no other times have seen such global connectedness, such fearful power and so many people. We have not been able to overcome war or hate or unprincipled power. We will never be without the good, the courageous, the compassionate or the loving. But we can never underestimate our own human darkness, both the big and the small.

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