Friday, February 26, 2021


 Most politicians aiming for Congress, driven by a set of political principles that guide them, genuinely want to serve their constituents. What they confront and must regularly deal with in getting elected and in serving are issues of power, party loyalty, complex problems to solve and a system that requires demanding skills to navigate it.

Even as they talk of serving their constituents, they primarily have to serve their political contributors. We hope for them to be individuals of integrity and honesty, but the party exerts great pressure to conform to the party line. We wish that they would educate their voters, but they want to bend them to the party will, often with misleading or false campaign rhetoric.

The job of politician is not an easy one. But it’s the job they chose, just like we all work at the jobs we chose. If we do our jobs with integrity and competence, we can surely expect them to do the same.

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