Thursday, February 25, 2021

A quiz for parents

 A quiz for parents

1. At what age will (or did) your child first turn on you?

2. At what age will (or did) your child make the first escape attempt?

3. What is the ratio of “yes” answers to “no” answers you give your child?

4. How many generations back in human history does the “ride the horsey” game go?

5. Which has the greatest potential for childhood creativity: a stick or a computer?

6. What percentage of your child’s toys is made of plastic?

7. What are the three greatest parental fears when a child reaches puberty?

8. Which has a greater impact on your child’s values, your values or TV values?

9. Which embeds deeper in a child, “I love you” or a sharp criticism?

10. Can a father do mothering and visa versa?

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