Sunday, February 28, 2021


 Under any traditional code, abortion is immoral and so can be made illegal. Throughout human history, traditional moral codes have fallen or been reimagined as a consequence of the living experiences human beings.

We are now in a globally connected world struggling with poverty, hunger, war, overpopulation, disease, large migrations, brutality, degradation and gross inequality in wealth, education and opportunity.

How can abortion be a hot legal issue when the same system of laws does not adequately attack the problems of poverty, discrimination and education that many children would face were they not aborted. 

The other aspect of abortion is gender. Men make up the larger portion of those who draft and support abortion laws. Making a baby is a team effort, but abortion laws are often quiet or soft on the role of men. A child who is not aborted would likely be raised by a single mother with limited resources.

Beyond abortion, many elderly are living lives that are empty, meaningless and without hope in nursing homes. Others are living in extreme pain that will never abate. 

There is a bigger vision of life that needs a new moral code, a code that makes sense of life in terms of its dignity, its quality and its humanity.

If we come to such a code, then we may also be able to consider the destruction of species, habitats and the environment. A moral code for all of life.

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