Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sacred nature

 For the ancients and for the indigenous peoples, nature was intimately connected to the gods. Over time, we have dislodged God from a place in nature, trying conscientiously to find a place for God.

Nature did not intend us or have any expectations for us. We just happened. We are the ones who assigned ourselves the task of overseeing nature—the domain that gave us life. 

It’s time to recognize that even if we take God from nature, sacredness in nature still remains. In our time, to believe that God is creator of the world means we are poisoning God, choking God, raping God, mutilating God. This can make God as creator very uncomfortable.

But sacredness remains. Sacredness makes sense. Sacredness can be sustained as a vision. Sacredness is true.

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