Thursday, September 10, 2020


 We’re not angels. We don’t have wings. We are just humans stuck mucking around in our own human messes.  We want to bring light and hope to the anger, hate, brutality, violence and greed that are of our own making. We know that it is up to us to do something.


It was essential to the life of many indigenous cultures to see the world as sacred, to live and act in a way that showed reverence for what was around them. It was important to their survival. For modern civilizations the idea of a sacred world can seem old-fashioned or even ridiculous.


But look at the world we live in now. Look at how we treat one another and our environment. Look at the consequences of decision-making based on a material vision of the world. Look at a world economically, socially and spiritually out of balance and harmony.


Take a little time to really stand in awe of the created world. Take a little time to imagine your actions in a world you saw as sacred.



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