Monday, September 7, 2020


 Overheard on the streets of America


“With this corona crap, I can’t party. I can’t get drunk. I can’t get all the sex I want. I can’t go to football games. What is my tuition good for anyway.”


“Black lives matter. All lives matter. White lives matter. That’s why I moved into a gated community.”


“Donald Trump is a lying, cheating, narcissistic, bully. But Joe Biden is a Catholic, so as a fundamentalist Christian I have no choice but to support Trump.”


“Me and my girlfriends thought the Republican Convention was great. So many women speakers. And their clothes and heels were so beautiful. I loved their hair and makeup too.”


“I’ve seen them on TV, and some of them are good actors. But I had never seen one on my street. I felt a little anxious until I checked to make sure my gun was loaded.”


“I’m free to not wear a mask. If I go into a bar, people are free to get out of my way. This is America, and there’s plenty room for everybody.”


“I’m not sending in my ballot by mail. I hear they have special X-ray scanners that can check your ballot to see if it’s Republican or Democrat. And the scanners are made by Louis DeJoy’s company”


“I heard from a QAnon friend that Donald Trump is the secret messiah, and that when the end of the world comes, all believers will own a golf course and have a trophy wife.”

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