Thursday, October 17, 2019

Trump supporters

I’ve tried to figure out what motivates someone to be a Trump supporter. This is what I’ve come up with.

1. People support Trump because they feel the Democrats/liberals have forgotten them. But what actually has Trump done to make their lives better? Don’t Democratic concerns about the middle class and economic equality speak to you? Don’t Democratic initiatives on gun control make for a safer America? Don’t you see that a message driven by compassion is better than a message drivenby fear?

2. Make America Great Again. But what actually did Trump mean by that? America has lost its credibility and leadership in the world. Trump’s cabinet members are taking America dangerously backward. Leadership positions are given to unqualified persons, including family members. Our allies don’t have faith in us anymore, while Trump buddies up with bully dictators. We are faltering in our international negotiations with Russia, China and North Korea. The jobless rate is at an all time low, but too many of the jobs don’t pay enough to live on. The economy has been good, but only 3 of its 10 year growth has been under Trump. Hardly any significant legislation has been passed, even when Republicans held both chambers.

3. Trump supporters fear big government. Then opt out of Medicare and Social Security. Don’t apply for disability. Don’t accept grants from the government for your kid’s college education. Don’t expect to be protected on the job by OHSHA. Don’t look to the FDA to make drugs safe. In fact, don’t accept anything from the government.

4.Trump tells it like it is. He’s authentic. But his authenticity is defined by lies, crudeness, vulgarity, incompetence, bullying and egotism. Is this what you think the Presidency should look like and what leadership be? Are Trump’s values that your values?

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