Thursday, October 10, 2019


Evolution had no premonition that we would get a brain like we did, or a mind or a conscience. It went about its random explorations in making life diverse, complex, enduring and a thing of beauty.

It was left to us to make sense of ourselves, to determine if we could be diverse, complex, enduring and a thing of beauty. Our own random explorations in art, science, religion and government put us where we are today. Some failed, some worked, all pointed in some way to a state of human behavior which could be high and deep and demanding to reach.

Evolution has no favorites. It doesn’t care if we kill one another or make ourselves extinct. It takes no responsibility for our greed, hate, vanity or pride. It will miss us as much as it misses the dinosaurs.

Even if we wipe out countless species and wipe ourselves out, evolution will prevail, for in the end life endures.

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