Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Every man must come to a conscious understanding of what manhood means to him. This is not an easy task since manhood is not a simple thing to inhabit. It is a complex of many interrelated qualities and behaviors: power, dominance, bravery, dependability, sexuality, fatherhood, intimacy, compassion, relationships, work and more.
Some men choose to remain stuck in an adolescent view of manhood. Others navigate manhood through power and control. Some seek in manhood a healthy balance between the forces of libido and culture. For many men, manhood is a fluid concept that changes with intellectual growth, responsibilities, family, the waning of virility and changes in the understanding of intimacy.
The coming to grips of manhood for men is also a necessary concern for women. It is not only about respect and appreciation of women, but also about the ability to embrace whatever of the feminine principle that may a be a part of their nature. This way masculinity and femininity are not split into a duality, but are human characteristics and capacities distributed across genders.

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