Friday, October 20, 2017

Teaching love

Love is a many splendored thing.
Love conquers all.
Love is the answer.
Love one another.
Love. Love. Love.
We are expected to learn to read, write and do math. We are expected to learn history and science. All to be successful in life.
Is love any less important?
Who can teach us to love? Religions? They are constantly at war with one another or locked into out-of-touch dogma. Our families? Yes, if we’re lucky enough to have a family around us capable of teaching and modeling love. Life experience? We often just muddle through and maybe figure out love only too late.
We struggle with problems both personally and globally that would have much better resolutions if we really knew what love was and how to practice it.
So how come we teach Medieval history but not love? Organic chemistry but not love? Computer coding but not love.? The history of rock and roll but not love? For one, love is harder to teach and to learn than any of those. 
Right now, to try seriously to teach love is an essential task.

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