Saturday, October 14, 2017


Why is the world so threatened by LGBTQ folks? Is it because they might breathe on your children and change their sexual orientation? Is it out of envy because they put on much better parades? Is it because they are having a good time in their bedrooms at night? Is it because they might hoist the rainbow flag over the Alabama state capitol? Is it because you fear their creative potential? Is it because you can’t put love above dogma?
We have lots more to be concerned about with the Harvey Weinsteins, Donald Trumps and Bill Cosbys of the world. Studies show that up to 50% of heterosexual adolescents and young adults have had a homosexual encounter. But when you push people to the margins, they function like they are the margins, and then they get condemned because they behave like those on the margins. LGBTQ folks belong in the mainstream where they can fully contribute their energy to the life of us all.

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