Monday, October 9, 2017

Keep it in your pants

As I've been generally successful in keeping it in my pants, I've always wondered what drives men like Donald Trump, John Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Tim Murphy, Bill Clinton, countless John Doe's and the parade of historical figures to commit sexual indiscretions from harassment to rape. Power? Arrogance? Evolution? Lust? Privilege? Lack of self-control? What? Probably a soup of most of these things.
But more and more such men are outed and called to task, even by other men. Sometimes it's only a slap in the wrist as in the case of the "promising" young college athlete convicted of rape. The average guy will get jail time while the privileged will simply fall from grace.
Still, there seems to be a growing appreciation for integrity and personal responsibility in sexual behavior.

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