Friday, March 25, 2016


We Christians can get wrapped up in crosses, daffodils, penance, colored eggs and the Easter bunny. But, to me, Easter has meaning in its symbols and metaphors. Easter's meaning is rooted in deeper human urges that find form in ancient rituals and mythologies.

Sacrifice: The goat, the lamb, the virgin, the god are gifts exchanged between us and God signifying mutual need and dependence, knowledge that we do not ultimate control of our lives but we have faith.

Resurrection: Though we may not know what form it takes, death gives way to life just as life gives way to death. The cycle of nature's renewal is apparent and is a sign of hope for us when hope is really all we have.

The meal: The meal itself is a ritual full of meaning. All are fed at the levels of body, community and spirit, bonded in the communal meal.

Humanness: What is the meaning of all of this for us as humans beyond the meaning for us as Christians? Gethsemane, the washing of the feet, the judgment before Pilate. The deepest humanity is not earned easily. Humility, integrity, personal strength and answering the call are are worthy.

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