Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Scenes I'd like to see in TV land

--MTV music video producer:
How about this? The pop star is singing at the piano, which is sitting in the middle of a raft full of Syrian refugees. As they approach shore they see a fire. When they hit the shore it turns out to be a group of young beautiful blondes in bikinis roasting marshmallows.
The refugees carry the piano ashore and begin to dance, explaining that in fact they are survivors from a capsized cruise boat off the California coast.
The singer finishes his song and begins to roast marshmallows for everyone while they continue their frenzied dance.

--Assistant producer:
I love it.

--Police detective Dave is talking to his partner, Jane:
I don’t know why they gave me such an ugly partner. You’re overweight, you have small tits and mousey brown hair. But what the hell, let’s have sex anyway.

--Head writer on a crime show:
OK, we need a change. This episode we kill off the blondes and the hunks and save all the men with potbellies, bald heads and bad fitting suits.

--Prophetess to Lovely Maiden:
He’ll ride in on a white horse. He’ll have big muscles, greasy hair, a large bloody sword, a few big scars on his face and a loin cloth made of yak hair. In an instant, you’ll know he’s the one for you.

Lovely Maiden:

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