Sunday, May 22, 2022


 Kick Kelly Clarkson out of your living room.

Don’t buy it just because LeBron James tells you to.

Forget the $100 face cream—I like your wrinkles.

No to those Oprah glasses. I want to look at your lovely eyes.

Cook your own food, dammit, and eat it off a plate, not out of a plastic container.

All the companies that say they love you, really don’t love you.

There’s a lot of money and psychology behind the sales pitch. Don’t get hooked.

Celebrities are paid handsomely to convince you that they care about you.

Don’t be seduced by a pretty face or a fit body.

If marketing can convince us to purchase tension relievers for our cats, why can’t it convince us to value the truth.

If LeBron James can sell us cryptocurrency, why can’t he sell us love.

If Tom Selleck can make us comfortable with reverse mortgages, why can’t he make us comfortable with people who are not like us.

If we support the products and services that Serena Williams stands behind, why doesn’t she preach the values she stands behind.

Why do celebrities hire themselves out to sell us stuff, but not to convince us to live right.

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