Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Power and wealth

Throughout human history, power has needed slavery to maintain itself—physical, emotional, social, sexual, military and economic. Serfdom, black enslavement, economic dependency, colonialism, farm workers, sex slaves, social discrimination and more. Every race has, in some form or another, enslaved its members or the members of other races.

Power needs wealth. Wealth needs human capital. Human capital loses its humanity as it serves power. Power is insidious. It’s a form of lust that leads to a lust for sex, money and control of others.

A food production system that abuses laborers is slavery. A corporation that requires its foreign workers to work in dangerous situations for low pay is slavery. A government that favors the few and the wealthy, does not fully demand justice and equality, supports slavery.

As a culture we admire wealth and fame in entertainment and athletics. We give these individuals power. We assume that power belongs to our elected officials as they acquire wealth and influence. This needs to change.

We need to expect and demand leadership from our elected officials. Leadership is generous. Power is greedy. We need to be much more selective with our heroes and the criteria we use to identify them.

A truly equal society—equal in respect, treatment and opportunity—is a threat to the powerful and wealthy, and they will do all they can to maintain their privilege. To become the society we want to be is in no way an easy task. It requires change from deep within ourselves—change of values and change of heart.

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