Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sorry...I can't stop ranting bout Donald Trump.

We are moving from a President who is articulate, compassionate, intelligent, has strong family and Christian values, whose speeches have regularly helped heal the nation, who has tried his best to move the nation forward in the areas of race and personal freedom, who has moved the nation out of the financial pit he was given and has been a model of what a president should be. Now we are moving to a man who is just the opposite and who has shown little decency in his this campaign or in his personal life.

In my mind, the political individual is driven by the personal individual. That is why character and conscience are so important. I have no illusions about the political misjudgments that Hillary made, but I have clear evidence of her service to the disenfranchised and of her middle class roots.

When a country pushes forward with the progressive agenda of inclusion and individual rights and addressing long-standing social wrongs--especially in such a short time--there is expected discomfort and reaction. We see that across the globe. We are at the point where the very things that have made America and made America the envy of so much of the world are about to be undermined by Donald Trump's vision of America.

Walls go up. Thuggish dictators are  embraced. Fear is a weapon of control. Intelligent dialogue is suspect. The wealthier get wealthier through tax policy and corporate welfare while the middle class continues to struggle. Donald Trump's vision of American greatness is not mine.

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