Friday, June 19, 2015

Where does art live?

I know when I make apiece of art, I don't often think about where it will live. Even if I have an idea of where it go or where I might like it to go, I have no idea where it will live its life. Some works of art, after decades or centuries, will spend their lives where they began their lives. Others move around many times before they find a place to call home. Some expected to be in home or office and wound up in a climate controlled space where they were cleaned regularly. Some expected loving care and wound in at a thrift store. Some exists eternally in the internet cloud, never knowing whether its a tangible reality, flickering image on a screen or simply a stored electronically array.

The great sometimes never knew their work would even have a life beyond its completion. Some know during their lifetimes that it will endure. For most of us its problematic. For me, at this point, my art mostly lives in the way it may have seeded itself in the consciousness of another and in the way my making of it has transformed me.

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