Sunday, June 28, 2015

Education as business

For many years now many colleges and universities have been moving to a business model. Marketing departments, branding, commercial advertising, athletic sportswear and more. If educational institutions are businesses, then students are consumers.

Then why do tuition and related costs continue to rise so noticeably? Why aren't students saying they want lower tuition and fewer sports programs, fewer adjuncts along with fewer highly paid coaches? Quality education across the board instead of rock climbing walls and luxury dorms? Or is this what students really want?

What if students demanded face-to-face exchanges in the classroom instead of email exchanges online? What if students asked to be educated in their full humanity and not just to be viable in the job market? What if students demanded to be challenged and not just get the effortless grade? What if the students expected to be educated for life and not for the short-term market?

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