Sunday, September 17, 2023


 Every day we are flooded with corporate marketing that sugar coats our age old sins in very sophisticated and entertaining ways.

Vanity? No, it’s youthful beauty, creams, oils, botoxing, weight loss plans, eyelid rejuvenation, hair styling, fashion and more.
Envy? No, we deserve the most and the best and everything that others have. Why not?
Pride? No, we are the center of the Universe of Me and we deserve it all.
Gluttony? No, it’s all we can eat right there in the grocery snack and candy aisle.
Sloth? No, mindless leisure can never be out of reach.
Greed? No, to get the newest, the most stylish, the stuff that celebrities tell us we need, we must consume, consume, consume. Every day is Black Friday.

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