Monday, August 8, 2022

Still more chest

 Still more off my chest:

1. Unexpected or unwanted pregnancy…single mother raising the kids…what’s missing from this picture?

2. I grew up with “Father Knows Best.” In retrospect, certainly simplistic and stereotypical. But representing a time when parents were respected and children were expected to take responsibility for their actions. Now, in all too many TV dramas, fathers are absent, have a girlfriend, are addicted to drugs or alcohol, behave like juveniles or are narcissistic workaholics. The kids are savvy, in charge, also addicted and screwed up by social media and rarely responsible for their behavior.

Maybe we need a new program called “Father Shows Up.”

3. Every candidate for public office should be required to: demonstrate they have personal integrity, they are competent,  they are in it to serve the public.

4. I think a program of required national service is just what we need right now: military, teaching, conservation, apprenticeship.

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