Sunday, August 7, 2022

Off my chest

 More stuff to get off my chest:

1. Why don’t corporations support schools like they support athletes and teams. Certainly there are lots of fans of schools. Schools could have quality facilities and well-paid teachers. Athletes could probably make do on half a million or a million a year. If the school is top-notch, so what if it’s called Doritos Junior High.

2. If you take a helicopter tour of Cincinnati and you see three one-billion dollar stadiums sitting empty and multiple homeless encampments, what do you do?

3. Bill Russell said that if you do something better than most other people, that’s art. I say that if you so something with more passion and compassion than most people, that’s art.

4. A pro football player makes a winning touchdown. Millions cheer and talk about this for days. He’s earned his multi-million dollar contract. A 7th grade teacher spends a whole year teaching students with all kinds of social and emotional problems. She spends her own money for classroom needs. She puts many extra hours into her students. At the end of the year, she gets modest admiration and a small raise.

5. The Republicans are resisting supporting a bill to aid military who have experienced burn pits. We have a military budget full of waste and bigger by a lot than any other country in the world. Shouldn’t their needs be automatically covered by this budget?

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