Sunday, July 31, 2022

Off my chest

 Gotta get stuff off my chest.

1. No slam dunk, no long putt sunk, no long touchdown pass, no bicycle kick is as difficult or a beautiful as a masterful and well-written sentence.

2. How can a high school baseball game take up more news airtime than a major art exhibit?

3. I’m about Britni Griner-ed out. Yes, she should come home. Maybe Paul Whelan will come home on her coattails. Paul Whelan served his country as a Marine; Britni Griner served herself for personal gain. And what about Mark Fogel? Britni is just one more example the undue influence and privilege celebrity buys. Think of how much time and effort have been expended as a result of her carelessness.

4. Fear is not always a sign that something harmful is imminent. Sometimes fear is a message that it’s time to face a challenge and grow. We accept and even enjoy entertainment that is filled with murder, blood, brutality, hangings and stabbings, but we get upset if we see two individuals of the same gender kissing.

5. Men in entertainment dramas always throw things, solve their problems with alcohol, accept any chance to be unfaithful, hate their fathers and behave like assholes. Why is that?

6. Why do we spend massive amounts of money and energy trying to solve the social problems we create by not investing in families and quality education for all children?

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