Monday, March 21, 2022


 Manhood: Two Perspectives

What does it mean to be a man? Whatever it means, it’s beyond DNA, hormones and chest hair. Women athletes show us it’s more than the size of biceps. It’s more than the military and the football field. It’s not about who you choose to love and how you choose to love? Even the penis is sometimes questionable. So what does it mean?

All I can answer at this point is that we need to first figure out what it means to be human and then do it in a man’s body.

Men. Help! I’m all in favor of equality for women. But I see the signs of my manhood rapidly disappearing. Women say “fuck” more than I do. They want to hear my dirty jokes. When I was a boy, I could assert my manhood by flexing my biceps. Now they have bigger biceps than me. They want to be on men’s sport teams. And worst of all, they are getting chest hair transplants.

What should I do, men?

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