Saturday, March 5, 2022

 My climate confession

Bless me, Mother Earth, for I have sinned.

I am complicit in creating the climate apocalypse which has begun and which will continue.

I have too much stuff, take up too much space and use too much energy. I am part of a system that wants more, better, faster at any cost. I am part of the 5% of the population of the world which uses 20% of its resources. For decades, I have practiced reduction and recycling, which eased my conscience, but was not radical enough. My comfort has worsened the lives of others. I have a small vegetable garden which I share with neighbors. In the past I’ve often rode my bike on errands. I wear clothes till they fray. I make many of my own cleaning products. 

I want my children and grandchildren to have a good life. Can I extricate myself from a world system that grinds on mercilessly? Can I—can we—make the sacrifices that our choices now require of us? 

So what’s my penance?

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