Friday, January 8, 2021

American values

 American values are really ideals that in truth can never be fully met. We will always fall short of complete freedom, justice for all and total equality. The true measure is whether we have the courage and commitment to move progressively toward these values.

I believe historically we have. That is why other nations have looked to America as a model. Certainly we still have much to do in dealing with racism, economic equality, corrupt practices and failure to meet the needs of all citizens. But we push. We try. We keep our eyes on what’s right.

Until the presidency of Donald Trump. This administration of incompetence, backward thinking, sycophancy and lies has eroded American values to the degree that recent events are shocking but not unexpected. But Joe Biden is the new president, and his voice is strong and full of character and determination.

Still, we must recognize that for too long as a nation, our voting record was nothing to be proud of. We were concerned with our own comfort. We didn’t work hard enough for justice or equality or respect for others. We believed that protecting American values was the job of someone else. 

Now, at this awful moment, we know it’s not. How will we act?

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