Saturday, June 16, 2018

Little American vignettes

Little American vignettes

Seven throw pillows and a teddy bear on a bed
A woman with an American flag on her fat ass
Three kids in the futile chase of an ice cream truck
A man with a long gray beard and one leg begging on the corner
A socialite trying to decide which of her 500 pairs of shoes to wear
A glamorous dress up affair to raise money for the poor
Three roofers putting  down shingles and talking about their sexual conquests
A young mother jogging with two kids and listening to a motivational tape
A family dinner with everyone looking at their cell phones
A cop trying to set a teenager straight
A collection of every Precious Moments figurine plus a pink bunny
A wall full of Thomas Kincades above a Thomas Kincade recliner
A TV broadcaster whose hands are a ballet of nothingness
Three women at lunch on their fourth glasses of Chardonnay
A shirtless man with skinny legs picking tomatoes in his garden
A celebrity speaking about the effectiveness of a toe fungus medication

An American flag selling shoes, mattresses, beer and cheap patriotism

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