Friday, June 22, 2018


It’s hard for me to believe that most migrants from Mexico and Central America would make the long and dangerous trek from their homes, leaving everything behind, traveling with children, to come to America just to suck on its tit. Most of these people, if allowed to enter, become productive citizens, many likely paying more taxes that Trump. Doing jobs Americans won’t do.

Besides that, we owe them something. The American appetite for drugs fuels the cartels which in turn fuels much of the violence in their home countries. In Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Chile and other Latin American countries, American government and business interests have formed America’s own form of colonialism.

We adopted a child from Guatemala. I know what his life would have been like had he stayed there. Instead he grew up here, spent 4 years in the Marines, 2 tours in Iraq and is not a law enforcement professional. He has contributed more to this country than some recent immigrants, Melania and her parents.

Whatever the Congress, the President and law enforcement come to in solving the immigration problem, they must do it with compassion, a fair appreciation of the contributions of immigrants and an honest sense of history.

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