Friday, February 16, 2018

These are indisputable

These are indisputable:
--Since Sandy Hook, there have been 239 school shootings.
--Survey after survey shows a large percentage of Americans favor sensible gun control legislation. Congress fails to respond.
--The NRA and gun manufacturers do extensive lobbying and donate sizeable amounts of money to Congress. Congress responds in kind.
--The mentally ill are unfairly focused on as the perpetrators of gun violence.
--Gun violence in American is in far excess of that in other developed countries.
--Americans consume incredible amounts of violence in TV, movies and video games, and children are exposed to much more violence than is healthy.
--Guns are accessible to so many because gun laws are lax and there are so many guns manufactured and sold online and on the streets.
--We accept reasonable limits on freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom to assemble, but we fight them on freedom to bear arms.
--The idea that this is an unsolvable problem which will only infringe on our Constitutional rights is just plain wrong. It only takes courage and conscience.
--Though research can be sometimes confusing, the number of justifiable gun deaths is very small compared to the overall number of gun deaths.
--There is no solid evidence that owing a personal firearm makes a household safer.

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