Sunday, May 7, 2017

What do you do?

What do you do with information like this?
A man kidnaps women and holds them hostage for years as sex slaves.
A judge gives a white male rapist just a few months in jail because he is young and white.
An African woman spends 85% of her daily energy just getting water.
The President of the United States doesn’t know the chronology of the Presidents of the United States.
Albinos in Africa are killed or their graves robbed because it is believed that a piece of an albino brings luck and good fortune.
A woman moves thousands of miles from her family in order to support her family.
Ice caps melting is just a temporary nuisance.
For me, it’s (1) the absurdity of the world we’ve created and (2) the realization that we’re all homo sapiens, but it takes effort to become a human being.

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