Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Imagine a group of Syrian refugees asking for a tour of Trump Tower.

Imagine a group of American Muslim clerics taking a tour of the Trump White House.

Imagine a Russian fighter jet bombing a Trump hotel.

Imagine Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin wearing matching suits and red ties.

Imagine a Trump cabinet meeting where all the time is spent talking about who has the most money and the biggest hands.

Imagine "The Art of the Deal" strategies being applied to nuclear negotiations and the future of Social Security.

Imagine Donald Trump sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom.

Imagine Melania Trump starting her campaign against bullying by asking her husband's advice.

Imagine the Trump son just giving money to help the sick children he so loves without having to be the center of attention at a lavish fund raising event.

Imagine Donald Trump putting all of his financial interests and lawsuits and deals out of his mind for 4 years so he can address the real needs of the American people.

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