Saturday, January 6, 2024


 The efforts of women to define what they want to be in the world, has affected how men define their masculinity. Masculinity is expressed in many different ways in nations, ethnicities, religions and groups. So to define masculinity is not an easy task.

In American culture via American entertainment media, what is not healthy masculinity is easy to find. But I think there something that can be called healthy masculinity, though I have not identified its core elements, if they indeed exist.
I believe masculinity is fluid, even in the same man. Masculinity expressed among male friends is different from masculinity expressed with a partner and still different from masculinity expressed with children or masculinity expressed in worship. Certainly, there has to be strength, flexibility, reliability, responsibility, trust, and the ability to make love evident. A very demanding task.
A look at toxic masculinity perhaps can add some perspective. Toxic masculinity is toxic because it is the same for all interactions of the man because it is always about him and his needs and never about the other. Narcissism and the need to control poison the ability to love.
The classic example of toxic masculinity is Donald Trump. He was never loved and does not know how to love. Look at his children. Look at how he treats Melania. Look at Stormy Daniels. Look at his uncovered comments about women.
In the end though, masculinity should be one manifestation of being a decent human being.
The elephant in the room of masculinity is male sexuality and its evolutionary, biological, social, cultural, psychological and emotional aspects. But that’s a discussion for another time.

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